Banking Details
For payments outside Mauritius, feel free to use PayPal.
Name: Rushbox Limited
Bank: MCB Mauritius
MUR A/c #: 000446394378
USD A/c #: 000446394386
EUR A/c #: 000447941046
Ref: Name & Tel # used to sign up
Rushbox Address: Le Barachois, Tamarin, 90901, Mauritius
Accounts Email:
Please use these bank details for any payments towards the Ecoshe Initiatives. We have a USD, EUR and MUR account, please choose the same currency a/c to avoid currency exchange losses.
We are in the process of registering the Ecoshe Non-Profit company with accountants and lawyers, this will be operational before the end of 2022. Accounts available on request.
You can also pay by Juice if you are registered with them.
Be sure to ‘pay merchant’ or select ‘scan to pay’
Ecoshe #: +23057772276
Ref: Name & Tel # used to sign up
Max: rs50,000 per day
Maucas enables you to pay from these 3 banks throuh JUICE too.
- My.t money
- Emtel Blink
- Bank One POP
![myT Blink and Bank One Other payment options for sustainability workshops](
![MCB Juice Payments MCB Juice Payments Eco Living](
International Payments via Transfer
Players may be liable to cover bank charges if they arise.
Please note the sender may be asked to cover bank charges to and from their account.
Bank: MCB (Mauritius Commercial Bank)
Sir William Newton Street, Port-Louis, Republic of Mauritius
IBAN USD #: MU16MCBL0944000446394386000USD
IBAN EUR #: MU41MCBL0901000447941046000EUR
IBAN MUR #: MU34MCBL0944000446394378000MUR
We are not yet set up to receive card payments via visa and mastercard online. We are working on this.
We inspire new habits through education. Our goal is to bring the community together around wellness and sustainability.
© 2022
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