Affiliate Registration

Teach with Us

We are looking for inspirational people to teach our ‘Plant-Based Course‘.  We’ve done all the preparation; all you have to do is find your inner voice and follow the simple agenda.

This job is purely a commission-based which is why we pay up to 70% of the revenue generated in comissions. There are no fixed times either; you would work according to your own schedule. Full-time or parttime.

Your target market is;

  • Hotels and restaurants who want to train staff and revamp their offering
  • Businesses that care about climate change, ESG reporting, and human capital
  • Schools and Universities

Earning Potential:  We want to ensure our teachers make the lion’s share of any income. We have registered as a non-profit organisation, meaning no dividends are paid to shareholders. Instead, money earned covers costs, growth and pays our valuable sales team and teachers. We can’t think of many jobs more important than this.

The course is charged out at €8 – €50 per participant depending on the group size. You can teach one on one or groups. As a teacher, your earning potential is up to 70% of revenue as seen below;

10% referral revenue – to the person who introduces the client
10% sales conversion – to the person who invoices and seals the deal
30% of revenue – to Ecoshe to cover costs and expansion
50% of revenue – to the teacher(s) who teach and facilitate the workshop

Teachers will be listed on our site with their picture, their stats on how many people they’ve taught, and their cost. 


To build up your confidence and test your skills, you need to train for free until you get 10 x 5  ⭐⭐⭐⭐ ratings. We can then confidently start charging for your services and ultimately have you included as an approved freelance trainer. If you’re in Mauritius, that means that companies can claim 70% of your cost back from their HRDC levy. 

 Contact us to find out more. 


5 mins

Watch Documentary
Watch Documentary

Participants Can Take Notes 24 mins


15 questions Optional Prize 5 mins

What Can I Eat
What Can I Eat

Show SlideShow

Flash Cards
Flash Cards

Encourage App Download

Take The Challenge
Take The Challenge

Try Vegan

Meal Together
Meal Together

Meal Together

Marketing material

If approved, we will provide you with a media link with a collection of videos, social media posts, text, emails, flyers, etc. We can also do a video recording to announce the collaboration. You can also design your own material, but this needs to be approved by us to ensure consistent brand policies are adhered to.

Example of the Online Course

You will have full training before you start.

Example of the Onsite Course


After each course participants fill in a feedback form and rate the teacher.  The education part is one to three hours. With a food tasting or meal too.

Here is what they’re saying.

Harshinee Ramgoolam

I will take this opportunity to thank you for the huge amount of motivation you give through your words. It really isn’t difficult to cut down animal products from your diet. I’m having a very good time being vegan!!

Anistha Soochit

I had been wanting to be vegan for a long time! I can’t tell you how happy I am to have been part of this journey. Thank you so much Heather, to you, your family and team for making all of this happen.

Priscilla Mulliah Mutty

I am definitely adopting this way of life, I feel so light and good. My family and friends complimented me on the change on my skin and say I look more radiant

Beatrice Lai

Thank you so much for the whole organization  It was an incredible experience..

Sweta Ramkalawon

I am very proud to have been part of Veganuary and it was the best way to start my 2022.. Both my fiance & I are looking forward to the next initiatives.


We inspire new habits through plant-based education. Our goal is to bring the community together around wellness and sustainability.

© 2023 ecoshe.com